Modern Two Tier Policing (#TwoTierPolicing) by West Midlands Police allows selective and indiscriminate use of the Law by its Police Officers
Chief Constable Jo Shiner Sussex Police Retire, Rejoin and a Samosa
On the 29th November 2023, HMICFRS placed West Midlands Police in “Engage”, also known as special measures, after an inspection.
“It is not in the public interest to delay West Midlands Police receiving the support and challenge they need to improve.” – Andy Cooke QPM DL – His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary
West Midlands Police joins three other forces also in special measures, including the country’s biggest, the Metropolitan Police.
West Midlands Police Promotional Videos can also be accessed HERE. All videos are the intellectual property of Auditing Britain.
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For the avoidance of doubt this website is not run by West Midlands Police nor is it associated in any way with West Midlands Police.
Call 999 if:
- a serious offence is in progress or has just been committed
- someone is in immediate danger or harm
- property is in danger of being damaged
- a serious disruption to the public is likely
Call 101 for non-emergency enquiries. You can also Report a Crime online.
Check out What is Policing by Consent ?, Police News, Metropolitan Police, Sussex Police and It’s the Law !
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